Friday, August 7, 2009

movies to catch before they go away part one

the hurt locker-
the first good movie i saw this summer. i had heard nothing of this movie before i went except that it was about a bomb squad in iraq. expecting a bloody documentary, i was immediately corrected when i recognized the actor playing the leader of the squad. i'm not going to spoil the very nice surprises injected by the sprinkling of very famous actors throughout the movie. i enjoyed these discoveries- why would i ruin it for you? the little before seen main cast make the most of this star making arena. jeremy renner, anthony mackie and brian geraghty are so very good at what they do i might have believed it was a documentary- except i actually had seen them in previous films. i do see a lot of movies...

i give kudos to kathryn bigelow for directing this decidedly all male project- made about men, for men in a manly way- but by a woman. well done! she proves that storytelling is genderless.

speaking of story- this movie is more a 'period of time in the life of..' piece than a bonafide story- it's storyish or story adjacent. and the end it is a bit, "staff sargent james- bombman". still it is very entertaining, well acted, and very well put together. highly recommend.

violence factor is low- not a lot of gore. very tolerable even for the squeamish (my movie partner is very blood sensitive and he didn't flinch that i noticed) there are 2 shots of wounded (but alive) cats that i could have done without. i can't sand to see animals in distress- people not so much. now quit reading and go see this movie!


  1. I heard a story about this film on NPR, and kept mishearing the title as "The Herd Locker." Now I know what to look for, or is it already gone from theatres?

  2. yes, everytime i told someone the title of this film i had to spell it out. it's not about sheep or john heard. as to whether it's still out- my sister said it was never in fresno. here in san diego it seems to be picking up some steam- probably due to the good press. i've actually seen ads on tv. hopefully it'll hang around long enough for you to see it!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yo...finally saw it tonight. Did I tell you I don't like war movies? didn't flinch when he was fishing around in the kid's chest????
    As soon as I saw the cats I knew they'd be in your review...
    Great movie, as war movies go. I think I lost ten pounds.
